Tyler, TX
(936) 234-9470

Category: Uncategorized

VooDoo Muze

I have this client one time who had an undiscovered talent. This guy could pull a caricature out of his imagination and put it on paper so quickly. One day as I was setting in my office doing the normal day-to-day paperwork. I was interrupted by a knock on my door. One of my clients wanted to show me the list of art pieces he had completed. He had drawn at least 5 of my co-workers. The picture shown is a picture that I am truly proud of and I hope this particular client is using his art in some way. This is the image he drew of me.

Feed you, soul: “The Importance of Self-Care as a powerful modality of therapeutic release; Finding Joy in Escape, Release, and Creation” in 2023

Self-care for me looks like: Engaging in activities like drawing, painting, writing, biking, or even making tea and baking can be incredibly therapeutic. These activities not only provide an outlet for our emotions but also allow us to tap into our creativity and express ourselves. The key is to be consistent in our practice of self-care

Culture ETX

I have been. recently told about this place that exist in a crner section of the downtown square of Tyler, Texas. This place that I found to be filled with culinary bliss is called Culture ETX. It is hard to describe the vibe because their specialty is “we wake and say I wanna make fresh humus and pita bread today.

Tyler Loop Story Tellers

This group of individuals were so amazing amazing In October of 2020, I was asked by Mrs. Jane Neal to tell a story for the project “out of the loop”. This project picked 5 individuals from east texas to tell a story. Jane worked with each of us on an individual basis to curate the…
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AvenueChat with Brent Rich

Brent Rich is a man that will never stop teaching. Even in his retirement. He is one of those retired teachers that live what they believe every day. Through his blog to being open about the preparation for retirement.