Tyler, TX
(936) 234-9470

Creative Writing Workshop

Go to Your Room & Write This Down

Explore writing with Casey Muze. Each workshop is designed to unlock your creative self. Learn how to live in the moment. Learn how to create your moment. Explore your thoughts and emotions through writing prompts designed to increase the minds’ ability to think through barriers. How to live on the positive side of yourself. The benefits of writing are compiled in a list that does not exist. These are just a few that I wish to share with you!

– You will communicate with clarity. Unlike talking, when you write you look for more sophisticated words and expressions to describe what you have in mind.

– You will eliminate stress. writing and developing your ideas produces an amplified effect since not only you take them out of your mind but also the whole process of rationalization that otherwise would abstractly stay in there.

– You will be more productive. Writing activates the neurons in your brain and gets it ready to overcome the rest of the tasks

– You will gain awareness of your reality. If you write down what you have in mind each day, what you expect to achieve and how you feel according to this, you won’t need a psychologist to explain you who you are. You will realize yourself.

Book a Writing Workshop with Casey Muze Today!

Please fill out the form below and Casey will reach out to you promptly to dicuss details about Go to Your Room & Write this Down!

King Avenue