Tyler, TX
(936) 234-9470

Category: Meet Casey

Sunday “Sunday” Savor: The day of transition

The purpose of Sunday as a day of rest and preparation is to promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, allowing individuals to recharge, connect with their beliefs, and set themselves up for a successful week ahead.

Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino: Celebration of renaissance artist in reflections of my childhood

Raphael’s art was characterized by its beauty, harmony, and balance. His paintings were known for their clarity of form, use of light and shadow, and attention to detail. He was a master of composition, and his works often featured complex arrangements of figures and objects that were carefully balanced and arranged to create a sense of harmony and order.

Michelangelo Buonarroti: reflections of the past and discovering the ninja turtles were named after renaissance artist

Michelangelo’s early works include the Madonna of the Stairs and the Battle of the Centaurs, both of which demonstrate his exceptional skill in sculpture. He later gained fame for his work on the Sistine Chapel ceiling, which he painted between 1508 and 1512. The ceiling is considered one of the greatest works of art in history and features scenes from the Book of Genesis.

“This Lonely Soul’s Rhythm and Rhyme”: poems of a glimpse in time

This is me, a lonely soul in this world
Endeavoring to share knowledge, unfurled
On rhythmic journeys, patterns, and more
To pull out discrepancies, deep at the core

The SIM initiative: connecting mental health to resources by putting them in the same room to plant seeds for empowerment: save lives 2023

connecting mental health to resources by putting them in the same room: I must address a common issue that I have faced throughout my career as a licensed LCDC. For years, I struggled to receive the necessary support from my superiors in the field of substance use. It wasn’t until I arrived in Tyler that I finally found the support and encouragement I needed to succeed.