Tyler, TX
(936) 234-9470

Category: Uncategorized

Empowering developmental disability awareness month

“Empowering Individuals with Developmental Disabilities: My Journey with AvenueSpeak and TRAP Learning” The 3rd Month

I have always believed in the importance of supporting individuals with developmental disabilities, and I have created programs like TRAP Learning to do just that. This recognition was a milestone for me, as I never expected to receive such acknowledgment for my work. Being able to use my voice, hands, and skills to serve those with developmental disabilities is truly humbling and fulfilling.

The Anxious Rhythm of the Muted Black Boy: 4Cs, Curious Confidence & Creating Calm through Drumming

Casey Muze is truly a beacon of hope for those navigating the journey of mental health challenges. With an understanding of the interplay between rhythm, cognition, and emotional well-being, Casey has crafted an innovative approach to therapy that moves beyond traditional strategies in counseling. Through his comprehensive knowledge of bilateral stimulation and the therapeutic potential of rhythm, Casey has developed a program that can reach across the lifespan and assist children to senior adults.

Planning for 2024 as I reflect on the journey of 2023. I want to introduce you to Casey Muze and he steps into full mentorship in public speaking.

Reflecting on Success and Sharing the Journey of 2023 as I look ahead and plan for 2024

Reflecting on the success of 2023 as we step into the year 2024, I am filled with gratitude for the incredible opportunities and achievements that have shaped my journey thus far. From the groundbreaking bone structure system for fantastic growth to being recognized as one of the African-American top 40 under 40 community figures, and being honored by the African American Museum of Tyler Texas, this year holds immense promise.

Transitioning from Dreams to Goals: Manifesting Your Desires

Introduction:In life, the words we choose to use have a profound impact on our mindset and overall well-being. As someone who values the power of words, I believe that they can either nourish our souls or leave us in a state of cognitive inertia. Today, I want to discuss the importance of transitioning from dreams…
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The web of an entrepreneur

The Entrepreneur life of attaining freedom through mining your own business: Strength of Embracing the journey and discomfort; A life of solitude and structure; 63

The life of an Entrepreneur: Change is an inevitable part of life. It can be intimidating, overwhelming, and even scary at times. However, it is through change that we grow, evolve, and discover our true potential. In this blog post, we will explore the art of embracing change and how it can lead us on a transformative journey towards personal growth.