Tyler, TX
(936) 234-9470

Sponsor Spotlight Q&A: Casey Muze with Avenue Speak

Sponsor Spotlight Q&A: Casey Muze with Avenue Speak

Do you recall when this unexpected partnership came to fruition?

I’m thrilled to announce that my partnership with ANTLER sports is now official! This means that you can catch me at many of the East Texas football games this year, spreading the love and my vision of drum education and mentorship across the state.

As a passionate drummer and educator, I believe that music has the power to bring people together and inspire positive change. Through my partnership with ANTLER sports, I hope to share this message with even more people and make a difference in the lives of young musicians.

I’m excited to bring my unique approach to drumming education and mentorship to Texas, and to work with ANTLER sports to create a positive and inclusive environment for all. Whether you’re a seasoned musician or just starting out, I believe that everyone can benefit from the power of music and the guidance of a mentor.

So if you’re at an East Texas football game this year, be sure to look out for me and say hello! Let’s spread the love of music and mentorship together.

But why does this partnership make since

Yes, there is a connection between drumming and improving athletic ability. Studies have shown that drumming can improve hand-eye coordination, timing, and rhythm, which are all important skills for athletes. Additionally, drumming can help improve focus, concentration, and mental stamina, which can translate to better performance on the field or court. Some athletes even incorporate drumming into their training routines to help improve their overall athleticism. So if you’re an athlete looking to up your game, consider picking up a pair of drumsticks and giving it a try!