Tyler, TX
(936) 234-9470

Be Free Yoga Tyler, Tx

Be Free Yoga Tyler, Tx

I met Mrs. Colleen for coffee on the morning of 12/18/2021. We discussed all things drumming and random tidbits of percussion. There was quite the integration of therapeutic appreciation to the healing that exists in the idea of intentional movement and breathing work. We discussed individual work that we provide in our standard 9-5 professional lives. This 9 am meeting had an arranged time limit. She had an appointment at a yoga studio. “Be Free Yoga” studio.


I was invited to this yoga and creative writing thing class. For those of you, that know me you would assume that I accepted the invitation. Well, you are right. I have a great appreciation for yoga and writing. However, I had not practiced yoga in a good while. I practice some form of writing daily as well as provide a writing workshop myself.

I love sharing the idea of writing as a healing tool with others. As it has most definitely allowed me to autonomously free myself from all internal slavery, “mental health crises.

Anyway. I was welcomed by a very cool environment and the rainy cool weather was an amazing addition. Not to mention, all of the other participants that were part of this class experience were wonderfully inviting. This two-hour instruction was cool. The first hour put me completely out of my comfort zone with the yoga poses that you see on TV that looks seemingly easy. LIES. My lord, they had me bent. Pun intended. Haven’t sweated like that in a while. The second hour was a writing instruction section with the intention of identifying and advocating for creativity.

Shoutout to Colleen for the invite.
