Tyler, TX
(936) 234-9470

Tag: special needs

Empowering developmental disability awareness month

“Empowering Individuals with Developmental Disabilities: My Journey with AvenueSpeak and TRAP Learning” The 3rd Month

I have always believed in the importance of supporting individuals with developmental disabilities, and I have created programs like TRAP Learning to do just that. This recognition was a milestone for me, as I never expected to receive such acknowledgment for my work. Being able to use my voice, hands, and skills to serve those with developmental disabilities is truly humbling and fulfilling.

Spreading Love and Support at Lauve’s Pediatrics Extended Care Center

Lauve’s Pediatrics provides a nurturing and supportive environment for these incredible individuals. The love and care they receive here is truly inspiring. It’s evident that the staff members are passionate about what they do and are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of these individuals.