Tyler, TX
(936) 234-9470

Category: News

Cooter Brown & the southern charm

A Southern Linguistic Adventure:
Growing up in the South, I thought I had heard every southern phrase and saying there was. However, my coworker has introduced me to a whole new world of southern jargon. From phrases like “drunker than Cooter Brown” to “that would be the cat’s meow,” she effortlessly weaves these expressions into her everyday conversations. It’s like stepping into a time capsule and experiencing the charm of the South firsthand.

TMNT: A celebration of the great 4 and the mosaic influence that their names came from

TMNT: A celebration of the great 4 and the mosaic influence: in the 90s, there were few things that brought me as much joy as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. From the catchy theme song to the colorful characters, the TMNT franchise was a beloved part of my childhood. And even now, as an adult, I still find myself drawn to the world of the turtles.

Honoring historic trees & fruit 2023: A powerful celebration

honoring historic trees & fruit: we delve into the rhythms of communication within the African context, we are struck by the power of noise and cadences that speak volumes and ring in our ears. It is our hope that you will join us in raising awareness and celebrating the rich cultural heritage of our ancestors.

This event is not just about honoring the past, but also about looking towards the future with hope and optimism. By coming together in solidarity, we can continue to make strides towards a more just and equitable society for all.

So please, mark your calendars for Saturday, June 17 at 5 PM and join us for this powerful and meaningful event. Let us honor the sacrifice of our ancestors and continue to work towards a brighter future for all.

Casey at the Bat & a black kid named Casey Muze:encourage

The black version of Casey at the Bat is a poem written by African American poet Frank Marshall Davis. It is a parody of the original poem “Casey at the Bat” by Ernest Thayer, which tells the story of a baseball player named Casey who strikes out in a crucial moment of the game.

Caobo Toilets

Here what is so wild about these things that we are/were/supposed to expected to use the bathroom in. As you walk in, There is a long metal urinal that smells like stale urine and as your first experience of the wooden porta potty continues your optical experienced is blessed by the main attraction. A long bench with two holes in it that apparently is occasionally vaccumed clean every once in a while.